If you are in network marketing or other multilevel marketing industry then you have probably been hearing this question over again, "How much sales activity per week is enough?" This is the question that many sales and marketing leaders find hard to answer because they are asking the wrong questions. In fact, I have a feeling that most of them don't even know what it means. But once you understand the answer to this question then you can really start to develop and round out your sales strategies and weekly activity.
The question that you need to ask yourself is not whether or not you are doing the right amount of sales activity, but what is the most important element of that sales activity and are you achieving that goal? There is a huge difference between sales results and sales activity. However, we believe that sales activity must stay consistent in order to receive the results that you are looking for.
So, if you are asking yourself "How much sales activity per week is enough?" then your goal should be focused on how to stir up more activity. This is done through dedicated reach-out and follow-up efforts. You can reach out to 500 people in a week, but if you are not following-up with them within the next week or so, your efforts will be wasted.
An interesting statistic related to a salesperson’s follow-up efforts is that 92% of salespeople give up after four “no’s”, but 80% of prospects say “no” four times before they say “yes”. There is no doubt that your reach out medium and your follow-up efforts determine your ROI and the number of deals you close. Consider these factors when mapping out your weekly sales activity.
If you want to optimize your time (who doesn’t) when it comes to sales activity, communication and reach-out, relying on data is your best bet. Study data that will give you insight into when the best times are to focus on upping your sales activity. Each area, demographic and industry will have different results, however, generally speaking, Wednesday is the ultimate sales day. Across the world of sales, Wednesday is known as the closing day for leads and deals.
In saying this, however, according to Pipedrive, Friday is the secret salesperson weapon, as it is the day that sales activity is at an all-time low, but conversions are exponentially higher than other days of the week. Providing you with more opportunities to get in touch with your leads. Choose your timing wisely.
There is no point in chasing uninterested leads all over the place; it's better to pursue only those that are really looking for what you have to offer in the first place. If you have a fairly consistent sales process, then your activity on any given day should be generally consistent. Once you start noticing a pattern, you can adjust your activities to increase your sales activity per day even more, if needed.
In 2017, Pace Productivity sent out a survey asking how salespeople allocate their time on a weekly basis. These results were pulled from data that reflected new business coming in as well as maintaining existing relationships.
There is no question that consistency is key when it comes to sales activity that in turn, results in an increase of leads and higher ROIs. Most companies, however, do not have the in-house resources to dedicate time, energy or regularity to the efforts of creating stable sales activity. Our team at The Sales Group take these matters into our own hands. We ensure consistent cadence is being maintained to foster, develop and support your weekly sales activity.
If you’re interested in discussing more in regards to weekly sales activity and the services The Sales Group provides, don’t hesitate to reach out to Donna at any time.
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